庇護中心(Shelter)是提供遭遇合約、薪資糾紛、人口販運、虐待等問題的移工暫時停留的地方,而本次活動始於進駐藝術家Deden J. Bulqini在庇護中心舉辦的工作坊。參與工作坊的「房客」們,藉由擺姿勢及畫出其他房客身體輪廓的遊戲開始,進而以顏料描繪這些同居於庇護中心的朋友們,而這也成為這個有限空間中特殊的快樂時刻。房客們將自己的身體拓印在報紙牆上,再由另一組房客進行著色,這是他們透過色彩認識及定義朋友的詮釋方式。房客們試圖透過報紙牆上的身體,重新認識彼此,而身體在此,也被轉化為從狹隘空間自我解放的媒介。移工的身體扮演著重要的角色,他們透過身體調整其生活模式,以填補日常勞動的空間。像庇護中心房客Tony Sarwono這樣擁有特殊繪畫才華的移工(或許自台灣還有許多像他一樣的移工),需要有更多的空間來容納其創造力,讓他們的靈魂與生存精神得以表達並延續下去。活動現場的錄像裝置為Deden J. Bulqini進駐期間對印尼移工社群所進行的觀察。另外,除了工作坊記錄,現場也將展示Deden J. Bulqini與移工Tony Sarwono及其他庇護中心房客所共同創作的作品。
Alice is a whale living in the Pacific Ocean. It is said that its sound frequency is different from that of all whales, so it cannot find its own kind and communicate with them, which makes Alice the loneliest whale in the world ––––– Baidu Encyclopedia // Residency: 19th March – 23 th March, 2019Exhibition: 24th March – 23 th April, 2019Sharing and Discussion: 23 th March, 2019. 15:00 – 16:30Venue:OCAC (Open Contemporary Art Center) No.25, Ganzhou St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, TaiwanOpen Hour: Wen. – Sun., 14:00 – 20:00
Alice是一條鯨魚,生活在太平洋。據說它發射的音波頻率跟所有鯨魚都不同,所以它無法 找到同類並交流。因此,Alice是全世界最孤單的鯨魚。 —百度百科 進駐期間:2019,3月19日 ~ 3月23日展覽期間:2019,3月24日 ~ 4月19日
CO – TEMPORARY is regarded as temporary co-creation by the process of discussion with OCAC members, art project cooperation, Artist-in Residence exchange/transit, workshops and etc. CO – TEMPORARY #2 Lin Wen-Tsao and Hsu Chia-Wei to do a residency at Sa Sa Art Projects now.
HSU Chia-Wei's creative method adheres to a specific type of “Narrative” -- a way of documenting which interferes with the text in reality, by focusing on site-specific and peculiar characteristics, such as memory, imagination, or identification. He has been continuously trying to merge the ......