2004 01/01 - 2004 12/31

Non - Nationalisme

Would it be possible that the school training manipulates the thinking in creating art of those who accept academic education? Non-Nationalisme discusses no issue about races in nationalism. It bases on the art education to meditate how life experiences from different backgrounds influence people’s sense of beauty, rituals and attitudes when they are creating art. Besides, it also leads us to rethink about more possible art critiques under the Western-art-dominant education system.


  • 2004 05/11 - 2004 05/23

    Innocence Solo - Huang Chun-Chen Solo Exhibition

    In her art practice, she continue to explore art-making on site; view the site as an existing structure to the work, practice forms of senses in her physical labour. In the use of mediated (mirrored) object, sense and logic are co-constructed in the form of plastic art; thus transfer the focus to the reflective possibilities of human and site.

  • 2009 09/26 - 2009 10/18

    POST.O : The Reverse of TOPOS

    The curatorial project “POST.O” was presented in multiple locations: Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Garden City Publishers, Atelier New Day St., and Shitiping tribe, Hualien. There were 13 individual/group of local and international artists involved. Besides exhibition, there was also a cruise action.

  • 1999 06/16 - 1999 07/30

    Art Base - New Form I

    This is the first curated show as part of the OCAC series, in 1999. The new generation artists’ works presented in this show is not only to understand the plastic art subject in the field of arts, but also to connect the internet practices in their everyday living conditions. This condition is immersed in their everyday lives and ways to think, and at the same time formed in their art practices.