2016 07/18 - 2016 09/06

CO - TEMPORARY #1 overview : OCAC X Mes56

Firstly, the concept of CO – TEMPORARY is regarded as temporary co-creation by the process of discussion with OCAC members, art project cooperation, Artist-in Residence exchange/transit, workshops and etc. The second part will be conducted through a forum discussing about the long-term concerns for Southeast Asian art scene. OCAC invite six essential art spaces from Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, which includes artist residency organizations, galleries and artist-based spaces.


From May to July 2016, OCAC invited Anang Saptoto and Yudha Kusuma Putera to live, work and networking in Taipei for the CO—TEMPORARY: Southeast Asia - Taiwan Forum and Exchange Program on Arts and Culture program. Anang Saptoto and Theodora Agni were also invited to represent Ruang MES 56 and Cemeti Art House as the speakers for a discussion forum from 9 to 10 July 2016. This forum presented speakers from Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and Cambodia as well. Now OCAC are sending Lo Shih Tung and Shih Pei Cun to do a residency at Ruang MES 56 from 18 July to 6 September 2016.


Art Space:OCAC X Mes56(Indonisia)


Artist:Lo Shih TungShih Pei Chun



  • LO

    LO Shih Tung, born in 1983, graduated from National Taiwan University of the Arts, Graduate School of Plastic Arts. He currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan. Lo focuses on the special textures present in our daily life, seeing them as in Walter Benjamin’s discourse — fragments ......

  • 2016 06/04 - 2016 06/18

    The Second Chapter of Ln. 25, Dayong St. - CHIA Chien-Ju Solo Exhibition

    The Second Chapter of Ln. 25, Dayong St. is a series of solo exhibition about objects from home. The title comes from my old home street address. The first chapter started as a solo show in 2015; now second chapter in the first half of 2016 (this exhibition), combines as a solo exhibition series with another show at the end of the year as the last chapter. 

  • 2016 05/15 - 2016 07/13

    CO - TEMPORARY #1 overview : OCAC X Mes56

    From May to July 2016, OCAC invited Anang Saptoto and Yudha Kusuma Putera to live, work and networking in Taipei for the CO—TEMPORARY: Southeast Asia - Taiwan Forum and Exchange Program on Arts and Culture program. Anang Saptoto and Theodora Agni were also invited to represent Ruang MES 56 and Cemeti Art House as the speakers for a discussion forum from 9 to 10 July 2016.