Kuo Po-Yu was born in1989, and currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan. His practice often addresses the unapproachable archive with its spooky characteristic and uses the archival sculptuality and objects to develop new ideas. By practicing on the
ways of archive to build the alternative reality and by translating on site-specific production and archive objects, Kuo turns to focus on different forms of archive’s essence and general difference after the increase in plurality.
He has co-participated in international exchange exhibitions and performances with She Wen-Ying, such as FARKASKŐ NBME Nature Art Symposium, an artist-in-residence program in Noszvaj, Hungary, and《CK07N030 2009 01 07.4298 1.220470 0.998894 136.6077338.2806 178.3758 20150627 6.5 4.0 : C/2007 N3》, a project completed when Indonesian artist Venzha Crist visited Lulin Observatory.